NiAs [Chemical composition] Fe, Co, S, etc. may be mixed with the same type of image. In addition, there are also Sb, Bi, and Cu, and their occurrence states are unknown. [Crystal structure] hexagonal crystal system; Figure L-9 Crystal structure of red arsenic nickel ore (quoted from Pan Zhaoyu et al., 1993) The red arsenic nickel ore is a typical structure: As is most closely packed in hexagonal shape, and Ni fills all octahedral voids (Fig. L-9). The [NiAs 6 ] octahedron coplanar parallel to the c-axis direction is connected into a linear chain, and the [NiAs 6 ] octahedron is co-edged in the horizontal direction. Ni (coordination number of 6), and often two vertical short distance in addition to Ni 6 As is surrounded by an outer, into its nearest neighbor, so that the key of which niccolite is obvious to the gold metal Key transition. [Form] It is usually a dense block or granular aggregate, and sometimes it has a colloidal form such as a kidney. The single crystal is hexagonal or plate-shaped, but it is rare. [Physical properties] fresh face pale copper red, weathered mask gray or black ochre; strips brown black, metallic luster. The cleavage parallel {1010} is not complete; the fracture is not flat. Hardness 5. The relative density is 7.6 to 7.8. Crisp. Strongly conductive. [genesis and occurrence] are common in hydrothermal deposits, and sometimes found in the late hydrothermal processes of copper-nickel sulfide magma deposits related to basic and ultrabasic rocks. [identification features] light copper red and metallic luster. It is fusible and forms an As 2 O 3 white film on charcoal by oxidizing flame, and has a raw garlic odor. [Main use] Nickel ore mineral raw materials. Mechanical Vibration,Vibrating Table,Concrete Moulds Vibrating Table,Bulk Material Vibrating Table Xinxiang Zhenying Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd , ; a 0 = 0.361 nm, c 0 = 0.502 nm; Z = 2.