Researchers at Purdue University in the United States have developed a new plasma oxide material that is expected to bring ultra-fast all-optical communication technology, at least 10 times faster than traditional technologies. Related papers published in the recent Optical Society of America, "Optical" magazine. Optical communication uses laser pulses to transmit information along optical fibers for telephone services, the Internet and cable television. All-optical technology, whether in data flow or in control, is a pulse of light that does not require any electrical signals to control the system. Nathaniel Kinsey, Ph.D., Ph.D., Ph.D., said the ability to modulate the amount of reflected light is a necessary condition for data transmission. "We can design a thin film to increase or decrease the amount of reflected light, Increasing or decreasing to encode data, changes in reflection can cause changes in transmission. " Researchers have demonstrated that optical thin film materials made from aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) are tunable. They doping zinc oxide with aluminum, zinc oxide impregnated with aluminum atoms to change the optical properties of the material, making it like a metal at a specific wavelength, like a high resistance medium at other wavelengths. The refractive index of AZO films is close to zero, and it uses electron cloud-like surface plasmon to control light. Pulsed lasers change the refractive index of AZO to modulate the amount of reflected light. This material can work in the near infrared spectral range, can be used in optical communications, and with complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible. The researchers' idea is to use this material to create a "plenoptic plasma modulator," or optical transistor. In electronics, silicon-based transistors are responsible for switching power supplies and amplifying signals. Optical transistors use light instead of electricity to perform similar tasks, which can greatly accelerate system operation. By pulsing this material with a pulsed laser, the electrons in the material move from one energy level (valence band) to a higher energy level (conduction band), leaving behind holes and finally recombining with these holes. The speed of transistor switching is limited to the time to complete this cycle. In their AZO film this cycle is about 350 femtoseconds, about 5000 times faster than crystalline silicon. Transforming this speed increase into a device is at least 10x faster than traditional silicon-based electronics. best camp kitchen,best camp kitchen set,camp cooking kit,camp kitchen for ute Ningbo Tuofeng Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. ,