Agricultural machinery has many applications in the production and life of modern agriculture, which has led to more and more severe soil compaction, and the machines have been operating more on compacted soil. Therefore, how to increase the effectiveness of equipment and reduce energy input in this new situation has become a common concern. Tillage is the most common and it is also a job that consumes more energy. For the research on energy conservation of farming operations, more emphasis is usually placed on improving the attachment performance of tractors and improving the design of farming components. However, there is not much research on soil conditions, and the soil specific resistance of a certain soil moisture content is generally used as a comprehensive evaluation index. Previous qualitative studies have pointed out that the bulk density and moisture content of field soils are the main factors affecting the cultivation resistance of machinery. Therefore, in order to more accurately estimate the farming energy input required for different soil bulk density and moisture content, it is necessary to establish a relationship model between soil bulk density and moisture content and tractor traction resistance through field experiments. Soil bulk density meter is an important instrument for measuring soil bulk density and can play a very important role in research work.

Because the farmland soil contains agglomerates, organic matter and soil pores, the stress and strain produced by the soil during the action of the farming components on the soil is extremely complicated, and there are still many difficulties in quantitative determination. However, the traction resistance of the tillage is determined mainly by the soil reaction force. The soil reaction force depends on the soil strength and is consistent with the soil cohesion (usually measured by a soil hardness meter or a soil penetration meter, and the units are kg/cm3 and kPa/cm2, respectively). . The main factors affecting soil strength are cornices, organic matter, soil compaction, and moisture content. Therefore, the main factors affecting the tillage resistance are the soil bulk density and the moisture content in the case where the corn root and the organic matter are the same.

The results of soil bulk density test showed that the relationship between the cultivation resistance of the soil and the soil bulk density was a hyperbolic function and could be described by a model. The coefficients were determined by the specific soil conditions. In the case of small soil bulk density, the moisture content has little effect on the crop resistance; and the larger the soil bulk density, the more sensitive the crop resistance to moisture content. From the regression coefficients of the model, it can be seen that the square of the soil bulk density has a significant effect on the cultivation resistance, and the interaction between the bulk density and the water content is not obvious. Therefore, in the case of soil compaction or rolling by the unit, it will cause a drastic increase in the farming resistance and should be taken seriously. The model is relatively simple and has high fitting accuracy and can be used as a PQS relation model. It is of practical significance to estimate the energy input and traction efficiency of field machine operations under similar soil conditions.

Festival Inflatable

The decorations of festival inflatable as a festival are indispensable for consumers who pay attention to rituals. Their enthusiasm for the festival is still unabated, and the festival atmosphere is still strong.

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The festival inflatable decoration is not only reflected in Halloween, but also the same than Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. will be as huge. On Amazon's official website, Halloween decorations such as inflatable hats, garden decorative humanoid dolls, decorative plastic knives, and terrorist elements are equally sold, ranking forward.

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